Be Random.

In an insane world where crazy people don't fit, people exist in maddening predictability. Eat, work, sleep, spend, die. It's a cycle. Ran, that's me, wants to change that. By injecting a little randomness into the world, he breaks the vicious cycle of eating, sleeping and working. He doesn't want chaos. Just... incalculable randomness.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Unwind, anyone?

"Unwind? Unwind!!!" - Male members of the Mindanao Team
I was tickled funny by IR (incalculable randomness) 's Quote from the Book today:
Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake.- 1 Timothy v. 23.
Since the Mindanao Team's inception, we have followed a tradition called The Unwind, to be done after every summer camp or group activity. What's The Unwind? Well...

Unwinding consists of crashing a Team Member's place, buying the necessary "supplies", setting up a guitar for Brother Bear Ran to bang about, find a place where one can relax and safely unload one's dinner, and BAM! Get the picture?.

Oh yes, we have some very memorable Unwinding sessions... Brother Bear sharing his predigested dinner with Ate Bear's dogs, Baby Bear's umm, unwinding :), etc. I could list them all, but the bears would eat me alive (wait, you're a bear, how could you eat yourself? Ans: Oh yes, I could definitely eat myself alive :). No, I would not list them, it could get nasty :)

Yessss... I look forward to our next Unwinding session.


  1. when will that be brother bear ran? looking forward to our next reunion.. =)

  2. nyahaha good thing I wasn't there on that picture, I would look really horrible and embarrassing... sister bear barbie said It was obvious on me... >.< Miss yah all... good to hear you're alright... kyotsukete kudasai (take care)

  3. Ian,

    I just bumped in.

    I hope for the best from what you have planned and planning to do.

    time is short. make the best and worst out of it.

    Good luck, brother!

    Jeff Opina
